Which PV Retailers installed the most in 2015?
We recently published a lot of information about Australian PV’s recent milestones of 1.5 million PV systems, and a solar panel for every Australian man woman and child. The article was so popular that we’re releasing additional information on the Australian PV market in 2015: the top states, top postcodes, top retailers, and largest PV systems for the year.
In this newsletter, we’re revealing which were the top retailers in 2015 nationally and in each state. Interestingly, there’s been some significant movement in the top ranks in Q4-2015, not the least being the spectacular return to the top order of a major retailer.
The chart below depicts the ranks of the major PV retailers and STC-creating wholesalers, based upon their quarterly volume of registered capacity. It is based upon analysis of PV-STC creation converted into equivalent kW capacity, and excludes businesses whose primary activity is STC aggregation (e.g. Green Bank, Green Energy Trading, Emerging Energy, Formbay). It does not include PV retailers that create STCs through an aggregator (e.g. Mark Group Australia). It follows the quarterly ranks of the top 10 ranked players of Q4-2015.
The first thing to witness in the chart is the extended reign of True Value Solar, who have registered the most capacity in every quarter since they overtook Origin Energy in Q1-2012. EuroSolar have held #2 position since Q3-2013. Green Engineering and SolarGain have held positions #3 and #4 respectively for almost as long.
The second half of 2015 has seen a significant shake-up in the ranks, however. The #3 creator of PV-STCs in Q3 and Q4-2015 is Powerark, a wholesaling business that also creates STCs on behalf of their clients (likewise for Advance Finance Solutions). However, the 3rd-ranked PV retailer of Q4-2015 is AGL Solar, who have climbed through the ranks since mid 2014 to return to a better position than they have previously held.
The 4th ranked PV retailer is Solar Gain, a position they’ve also held for years. Origin Energy have returned to fifth-ranked PV retailer, a long way behind the 1st/2nd place they held prior to 2013, but evidence of the success of their marketing campaign.
The 6th ranked PV retailer is Green Engineering who have slipped from the position #3 they held for over two years. Next is Infinite Energy – not their best result ever but remarkable considering their Queensland home state has contracted so much in the past two years. The 8th place nationally goes to Country Solar, who leaped a few ranks this past quarter, and who hold an enviable 25% share of the NT market.
When you tally each retailer’s volume across all of 2015, you get this Top 3 PV Retailers by volume:
- True Value Solar
- Euro Solar
- Green Engineering
The PV retailer with the most volume in each state/territory in 2015 is:
- ACT: ActewAGL
- NSW: Euro Solar
- NT: Country Solar
- QLD: True Value Solar
- SA: True Value Solar
- TAS: Euro Solar
- VIC: True Value Solar
- WA: SolarGain
Want to discover who are the top 10 PVÂ businesses in each state for 2015? The top 20 Nationally? This and everything you need to know about the Australian PV market for 2015, and the trends that will shape 2016, in the 2015 Market Review.