Large solar power systems benefit your RESIDENTIAL customers and your business SunWiz offers evidence that larger solar power systems have quicker payback. Whether you’re selling into a net or gross…
Tag: solar power
REC Crisis 2009: Why it happened
REC Crisis – Why it Happened (2009) This document was compiled from SunWiz’s research into the REC market, and sent to Australian politicians. It explains why the REC crisis occurred…
Analysis of the NSW FiT
Analysis of NSW FiT changes (2009) SunWiz distributed this analysis to clients following the announcement of a gross Feed-in Tariff for NSW. Some of the questions posed have been answered…
Phantom RECs - Solar Credits Submission to ORER's REC Review
SunWiz submission to RET Review 2010 SunWiz’ submission on the treatment of phantom credits, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) created by the solar multiplier mechanism of Australia’s expanded Renewable Energy Target.…
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) - Economics of Storage in Australia
This study into the costs and economics of concentrating solar power in Australia formed the major part of a one-year investigation towards completion of Warwick Johnston’s Master in Science (Renewable…
Export Calculation Products to Support Your Business
Financial and Export Calculation Products to Support Your Business Need assistance in convincing your customers to purchase from you? Sick of being undermined by your competitors false claims? Want your…