Save Solar - Useful Resources to Protect the RET

Your Senate Vote in WA 
can help to Protect the RET 

Here are some resources to help protect the RET

Action list:

Solar Households

WA Solar Retailers: 

All Solar Businesses:

  • Donate to the Save Solar campaign. The WA senate election is a national opportunity for solar
  • Visit your local MP, especially if it is a Coalition member
  • Embed the Save Solar Video in your website: (SunWiz’s website has produced the 4th largest number of plays). Copy from beginning to end of this code:
    • (Beginning of code:)
      <iframe src=”//″ width=”500″ height=”281″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
      (end of code)
  • Use Social Media to protect the RET. The ASC has produced some great infographics
  • Stop free-riding on the back of others’ actions. Protect your job by contributing to the cause, whether financially or through advocacy. At the very (very) least, email your local member

Clean Energy Council member-only advocacy materials; or material available to Solar Installers.

Solar Juice’s “Don’t Squeeze the RET” resources, including what must be the best fact-pack and RET Presentation I’ve seen.

The REC Agents Association’s Solar Facts Information Portal

A great website bringing together a number of resources