How Can I Target The Best Places To Sell Solar?
PVsell now includes (free with all subscriptions) brilliant market intelligence from SunWiz that can help you target the best places to sell solar, use social evidence to help you convert sales, and compare your success to the broader market. Known as Solar Hot Spots, you’ll find this interactive market intelligence tool embedded within PVsell.
This information is based on detailed analysis of Clean Energy Regulator data, which has been analysed and is displayed in various interactive dashboards that allow you great insight into the data and help you apply the market intelligence to your business. Note that the most recent data is based off incomplete STC registration which has been projected based off historical ‘lag’ factors and which takes a couple of months to ‘true up’ to the highest degree of accuracy. Hence the recent 2 months’ volumes are less accurate than earlier data.
- Solar companies spend a lot of time and money reaching customers. Concentrating your efforts on where they’re most likely to bear fruit can improve your business profitability.
- “Keeping up with the Jones’” is perhaps the most common reason people buy solar (whether or not they realise it). Fear of being left behind by their neighbours can increase the likelihood of sale.
- Many PV retailers operate in the dark, and aren’t aware that they’re falling behind the market. Our national and state snapshots also let you celebrate your success as you beat the market.
How to use:
Finding Top Volume Hot Spots across the nation
This tab helps you target your sales and marketing activity to the postcodes with greatest volume.
Click on the “Top postcodes of Recent Quarter” tab.
- The volume in the most recent three months is shown for each of the top 50 postcodes in the nation.
- The height of each bar indicates the volume in that postcode for the past three months.
- The colour of the bar indicates the growth compared to the previous three months – Green Bars indicate growth, red bars indicate contraction.
Finding High Growth Hot Spots across the nation
This tab helps you target postcodes that are demonstrating growth and which also have reasonable volume.
Click on the “Top postcodes that are growing” tab.
- The volume in the most recent three months is shown for each of the top 50 postcodes in the nation that have grown (i.e. have more volume in the most recent three months than in the previous three months).
- The height of each bar indicates the volume in that postcode for the past three months.
- The colour of the bar indicates the growth compared to the previous three months – dark Green Bars indicate faster growth than light green bars.
Finding Hot Spots in a region
Whereas the previous bar charts showed you the top postcodes nationally, this tab helps you find the best locations to target within a region you specify.
1. Click on the “Select by Postcode” tab within the interactive browser.
2. Select the first two digits of the postcode you wish to target.
For example if you want to target the region surrounding Melbourne (postcode 3000), then select “30xx” from the drop down menu. This will show all postcodes beginning with the digits ‘30’.
3. See all the necessary solar information for the selected region.
The information shown will be presented in interactive charts:
Top Left
A bar chart showing:
- the volume of PV installed in the most recent three months for each postcode (column height),
- as well as the total volume ever installed (column width),
- and the growth in the most recent three months compared to the previous three months (colour – red=contraction, green=growth).
Top Right
This shows similar information to the bar chart, but on a map. The size of the dots represents the volume installed in the recent quarter and the colour represents the recent growth.
You will notice as you hover over a column in the left pane, its geographic location is highlighted in the right pane. Similarly, if you hover over a column in the right pane, its relative ranking in terms of recent volume is highlighted in the left pane (also revealing its total historic volume in the width of the column).
Indeed as you hover over a point in any pane, further characteristics of the postcode are shown in the other panes:
Bottom left
The installation volume for the postcode is shown for each month back to 2010. This provides context for recent volumes.
Bottom right
The average system size for the postcode is shown for each month back to 2010.