Export Calculation Products to Support Your Business

Financial and Export Calculation Products to Support Your Business

  • Need assistance in convincing your customers to purchase from you?
  • Sick of being undermined by your competitors false claims?
  • Want your customers to trust your performance and revenue calculations?
  • SunWiz has the solution!

SunWiz, an independent solar power expert, is proud to endorse your performance estimates. What’s more, SunWiz can provide your customers with an accurate revenue assessment, backed by measurements of solar performance and the best simulation software available. This can be quickly translated into likely revenue for the coming 20 years, as tailored to the tariffs that apply in your customer’s state.

In addition to providing a quick turnaround on performance, revenue, and payback calculations for residential customers, SunWiz offers a Commercial Revenue Calculation service. Using the best solar simulation software available, SunWiz will perform an hour-by-hour calculation of your customer’s revenue, based on their load and the solar radiation in that location.

Please read a sample of our highly-affordable commercial and residential offerings below.