Perth Solar Warehouse is A Top Volume Solar Retailer & Best Rated for 2023

The installation of thousands of solar panels within a single year stands as a remarkable achievement for any solar company. Such a feat not only underscores a significant level of success but also underscores the company’s credibility, deserving recognition.

Since 2009, SunWiz has diligently monitored every solar power system installed across Australia, meticulously documenting the involvement of each solar company in these installations. As the indisputable authority on solar market volumes, our data is extensively referenced by corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governmental bodies alike.

After thorough analysis of the solar installations that occurred in 2023, SunWiz has found the following to be true:

  • Perth Solar Warehouse is in the Top 5 Companies in WA for Residential & Commercial capacity of solar systems installed in 2023.
  • Perth Solar Warehouse is in the Top 20 Companies in WA with Most Popular rating based on customer reviews.

About Perth Solar Warehouse

Perth Solar Warehouse is a McKercher Corporation subsidiary providing energy services since 2004, initially formed as McKercher ECS (McKercher Energy Contracting Services).

With 19 years of experience in the energy industry, we know technology

As the sustainable energy transition took its first generational step towards mass consumer appeal, McKercher Corporation formed retail option Perth Solar Warehouse (2011), with direct-to-customer online access for turnkey solar and battery solutions. A targeted online-only medium appealed to the researched customer seeking better alternatives with brand-name products at a competitive cost.

When a business’s mainstream sales are online, customer satisfaction and word of mouth are everything. An impressive reputation over time and transparent product offering led to increased inquiries to broader markets where Perth Solar Warehouse embodied an evolved identity. PSW Energy provides renowned Perth Solar Warehouse satisfaction to a wider market. 

Perth Solar Warehouse possesses a local reputation as the researched buyer’s choice for solar, battery and electric vehicle charging technology.

Directors Acknowledgement:

“Being recognised as a 2023 Top 10 Most Popular Solar Company in Australia is an achievement for all staff involved along the journey. PSW staff are committed to the goal of outstanding customer focus. They are the fabric of Perth Solar Warehouse, and these awards are a testament to sustained customer centricity over time. Thank you to all who have contributed to outstanding customer focus along the journey.” – Derek McKercher.