Your Local Adelaide – West Solar Hero - Sunwiz - Solar Energy Consultants

Adelaide - West Local Solar Hero

Choosing who to buy solar power from can be hard.

But your choice just got easier if you’re living in the Adelaide – West region.

Do you want to do business with a successful local solar power company?

You should strongly consider the following:

2023’s Top Volume Solar Retailers in the Adelaide – West region include:
  • NRG
  • RAA
They are a Local Solar Hero for people living in Adelaide – West.

That’s according to the solar industry’s preeminent market analyst, using an authoritative dataset.

Customers typically trust their solar retailer’s recommendations on size, technology, and brand of solar equipment.
The long-term solar production and bill savings are heavily influenced by your solar retailer.
So choosing your solar retailer is a really important decision.

There are 4000 solar retailers in Australia, each claiming to be the biggest or the best.
Their competing claims can make your choice really difficult.

While many people like dealing with the largest solar companies in the nation or in their state, most people prefer to deal with local businesses.
And though size of business isn’t everything, larger businesses usually have reliable processes that deliver good outcomes for their customers time and time again.
So, choosing a company that’s large in your area makes a lot of sense.

Local Solar Heroes are companies top-ranked for solar power installed in your local area in 2023.
Local Solar Heroes are companies that installed more solar panels than most other companies in your locality.

SunWiz is Australia’s pre-eminent market analyst, and has been awarding the leading solar companies since 2015.
Our awards are open to everyone, are 100% objective & unbiased, and prestigious.

Local Solar Heroes are awarded on the basis of annual PV installation volumes in each Statistical Area 4 (an ABS-defined group of postcodes). To ensure a complete and fair appraisal, Serial Panel Validation data is analysed by a leading SPV agent, who appraises all retailers and reports to SunWiz the local rank of participating retailers.  Local Solar Heroes rank in the Top 10 in that location for kW installed using the SPV process in 2023.

Here's the area covered by Adelaide - West.

Here's the suburbs that count towards being a Local Solar Hero in Adelaide - West:

Adelaide-Airport 5950
Albert-Park 5014
Alberton 5014
Allenby-Gardens 5009
Angle-Park 5010
Ashford 5035
Athol-Park 5012
Beverley 5009
Birkenhead 5015
Bowden 5007
Brompton 5007
Brooklyn-Park 5032
Camden-Park 5038
Cheltenham 5014
Cowandilla 5033
Croydon 5008
Croydon-Park 5008
Devon-Park 5008
Dudley-Park 5008
Ethelton 5015
Exeter 5019
Ferryden-Park 5010
Findon 5023
Flinders-Park 5025
Fulham 5024
Fulham-Gardens 5024
Gillman 5013
Glandore 5037
Glanville 5015
Grange 5022
Hendon 5014
Henley-Beach 5022
Henley-Beach-South 5022
Hilton 5033
Hindmarsh 5007
Keswick 5035
Kidman-Park 5025
Kilkenny 5009
Kurralta-Park 5037
Largs-Bay 5016
Largs-North 5016
Lockleys 5032
Mansfield-Park 5012
Marleston 5033
Mile-End 5031
Mile-End-South 5031
Netley 5037
New-Port 5015
North-Haven 5018
North-Plympton 5037
Novar-Gardens 5040
Osborne 5017
Ottoway 5013
Ovingham 5082
Pennington 5013
Peterhead 5016
Plympton 5038
Port-Adelaide 5015
Queenstown 5014
Regency-Park 5010
Renown-Park 5008
Richmond 5033
Ridleyton 5008
Rosewater 5013
Royal-Park 5014
Seaton 5023
Semaphore 5019
Semaphore-Park 5019
Semaphore-South 5019
St-Clair 5011
Taperoo 5017
Tennyson 5022
Thebarton 5031
Torrensville 5031
Underdale 5032
Welland 5007
West-Beach 5024
West-Croydon 5008
West-Hindmarsh 5007
West-Lakes 5023
West-Lakes-Shore 5020
West-Richmond 5033
Wingfield 5013
Woodville 5011
Woodville-Gardens 5012
Woodville-North 5012
Woodville-Park 5011
Woodville-South 5011
Woodville-West 5011

Here's the area covered by Adelaide - West.

Here's the suburbs that count towards being a Local Solar Hero in Adelaide - West:

Adelaide-Airport 5950
Albert-Park 5014
Alberton 5014
Allenby-Gardens 5009
Angle-Park 5010
Ashford 5035
Athol-Park 5012
Beverley 5009
Birkenhead 5015
Bowden 5007
Brompton 5007
Brooklyn-Park 5032
Camden-Park 5038
Cheltenham 5014
Cowandilla 5033
Croydon 5008
Croydon-Park 5008
Devon-Park 5008
Dudley-Park 5008
Ethelton 5015
Exeter 5019
Ferryden-Park 5010
Findon 5023
Flinders-Park 5025
Fulham 5024
Fulham-Gardens 5024
Gillman 5013
Glandore 5037
Glanville 5015
Grange 5022
Hendon 5014
Henley-Beach 5022
Henley-Beach-South 5022
Hilton 5033
Hindmarsh 5007
Keswick 5035
Kidman-Park 5025
Kilkenny 5009
Kurralta-Park 5037
Largs-Bay 5016
Largs-North 5016
Lockleys 5032
Mansfield-Park 5012
Marleston 5033
Mile-End 5031
Mile-End-South 5031
Netley 5037
New-Port 5015
North-Haven 5018
North-Plympton 5037
Novar-Gardens 5040
Osborne 5017
Ottoway 5013
Ovingham 5082
Pennington 5013
Peterhead 5016
Plympton 5038
Port-Adelaide 5015
Queenstown 5014
Regency-Park 5010
Renown-Park 5008
Richmond 5033
Ridleyton 5008
Rosewater 5013
Royal-Park 5014
Seaton 5023
Semaphore 5019
Semaphore-Park 5019
Semaphore-South 5019
St-Clair 5011
Taperoo 5017
Tennyson 5022
Thebarton 5031
Torrensville 5031
Underdale 5032
Welland 5007
West-Beach 5024
West-Croydon 5008
West-Hindmarsh 5007
West-Lakes 5023
West-Lakes-Shore 5020
West-Richmond 5033
Wingfield 5013
Woodville 5011
Woodville-Gardens 5012
Woodville-North 5012
Woodville-Park 5011
Woodville-South 5011
Woodville-West 5011