2015 hasn’t been a great year for Australian PV. Unless of course you’re involved in installing solar farms that were proposed years ago to be the world’s biggest… but then the world moved on.
For most of the rest of us, sub-100kW is our bread and butter. So 2015 has been pretty lean… 10% less volume has been installed by August 2015 than by the same time in 2014, which itself was lower than 2013.
2015 was looking woeful… until July’s figures came in.
Nationally 69MW was registered in July, 23% higher than June’s figures. It was entirely driven by east-coast installations – the surge occurred in QLD, NSW, and VIC.
Despite the marked improvement, July’s figures were only equivalent to the typical monthly volume in the second half of 2014. And it remains to be seen whether this surge is the start of a trend, or just a one-off anomaly. Of course, subscribers to Insights get to find out first: all this and much more.