Go Sunny Solar is A Top Volume Solar Retailer & Best Rated for 2023

The installation of thousands of solar panels within a single year stands as a remarkable achievement for any solar company. Such a feat not only underscores a significant level of success but also underscores the company’s credibility, deserving recognition.

Since 2009, SunWiz has diligently monitored every solar power system installed across Australia, meticulously documenting the involvement of each solar company in these installations. As the indisputable authority on solar market volumes, our data is extensively referenced by corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governmental bodies alike.

After thorough analysis of the solar installations that occurred in 2023, SunWiz has found the following to be true:

  • Go Sunny Solar is in the Number 1 Company in SA for Residential & Commercial capacity of solar systems installed in 2023.
  • Go Sunny Solar is in the Top 20 Companies nationwide for Residential installations.
  • Go Sunny Solar is in the Top 20 Companies for Most Popular ratings based on 184 customer reviews averaging 4.88 stars.

No one gets ahead by

conforming to the status quo

We would know. We’re a group of misfits that each tried for years to do it ‘the right way’. Working for traditional solar companies, and being constantly disappointed by the failures, broken promises and profit-at-all-costs mentality.

Fed up with being undervalued and under-appreciated, we wanted to prove that business could be done differently. That giving before taking, being authentically ourselves and giving a damn about the people around us could make a successful company.

Fast-forward three years. Despite the challenges of supply shortages, subsidy drops and market saturation, we have grown rapidly. We are Australia’s fifth largest solar company with high quality partners, an all-star team and thousands of grateful customers. We could say we proved ourselves right

Writing our unwritten rules

As we grow, learn and evolve, our success is based on our ‘unwritten rules’. For three years they have shaped our culture and philosophy, allowing us to create serious growth while doing serious good.

We are also one of the most real companies you will deal with, which is why we wrote our rules down. We hope that they will inspire others to reject the traditional mentality of profit at all costs and adopt these principles. Because they create stronger business, happier people, and a better community for everyone.