The installation of thousands of solar panels within a single year stands as a remarkable achievement for any solar company. Such a feat not only underscores a significant level of success but also underscores the company’s credibility, deserving recognition.
Since 2009, SunWiz has diligently monitored every solar power system installed across Australia, meticulously documenting the involvement of each solar company in these installations. As the indisputable authority on solar market volumes, our data is extensively referenced by corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governmental bodies alike.
- Committed Solar Solutions is in the Top 10 Companies for commercial STC installations in Victoria for capacity installed in 2023.
Why Choose Committed Solar Solutions?
Distributor Pre-Approval
We apply and gain for a pre-approval from the distributor in the area
Ensure Maximum Solar Efficiency
We design your solar system to ensure maximum efficiency as well as cost reduction
Certificates of Electrical Safety
We ensure that all certificates of electrical safety are supplied to you
CEC Accredited Electricians
We ensure that all work is carried out by Clean Energy Council accredited electricians
Procure & Commission
We procure, install and commission the system for our clients