{source}<!— web calculator iframe code –><style> iframe#web-calculator { width:100%; height:700px; border:none; } </style> <iframe id=”web-calculator” src=”http://webcalc.pvsell.com.au/site/web-calculator”></iframe><!— end web calculator iframe code –> {/source}
Category: Resources
Commercial Solar Database
Commercial Solar Database Please visit :Â http://solardatabase.sunwiz.com.au
Publications & Presentations
Please visit http://www.sunwiz.com.au/index.php/latest-news/46-publications.html
Solar Your Business: How to Choose the Right Supplier - Guidance from Australia's Independent Solar Expert
Interested in putting solar on your business? That’s probably because you’ve heard that solar is a great business investment. Depending on your electricity price, solar can deliver returns of 14%,…
Save Solar - Useful Resources to Protect the RET
Your Senate Vote in WA can help to Protect the RET Here are some resources to help protect the RET Action list: Solar Households Email your local member, or write a letter to …
Sunny Electorates
Analysis of Australian Solar Electorates (Commonwealth)Â SunWiz has performed analysis of Clean Energy Regulator data to identify the top solar electorates. Use the interactive explorer below to identify the number…
Solar Forecast for AEMO
10-year Solar PV Installation Forecast for AEMO SunWiz (supported by Solar Business Services) was commissioned by the Australian Energy Market Operator to produce a forecast of uptake of rooftop PV…
Electricity Price Forecasts
 Electricity Price Forecast Resources SunWiz has prepared for you a collection of relevant documents regarding the forecasted electricity price increases.  Australian Energy Market Commission AEMC: Future Possible Retail…
List of Australian Large PV Systems
List of Australia Large Scale Solar PV, Commercial Solar PV, Utility Scale Solar PV Projects SunWiz maintains an extensive list of projects larger than 40 kW in Australia. Note that…
Which Panels Perform Best
Which Panels Perform Best? Are you one of the 99% of people that ask “which panels are most efficient”? If so, then you’re asking the wrong question. Panel efficiency only…
Successful PV Sales Techniques
SunWiz Successful PV Sales Techniques SunWiz has drawn together some of the best resources that help solar businesses target their market, sell to customers’ purchasing motivations and overcome their purchasing…
Rising Electricity Costs
How Much is Payback Time Improved when Electricity Price Rises are Factored In? Simple Payback is a rudimentary calculation of the financial benefits of a PV System. Put simply, simple…
Australian PV REC Zone Map
Australia’s Only Published PV REC Zone Map, provided by SunWiz. Don’t be fooled by maps of Solar Hot Water REC Zones shown on other sites – the PV REC zones…
Solar Edge Interview
This is interesting technology with some revolutionary features including arc detection, theft protection, multi-manufacturer panel arrays, flexible array geometry, and reduced wiring Read more about the Solar Edge architecture  …