SunWiz is the preeminent provider of analysis of the Australian battery market. We’ve recently expanded our coverage of the battery manufacturer market share. Here’s some interesting things we’ve seen. Chinese…

SunWiz is the preeminent provider of analysis of the Australian battery market. We’ve recently expanded our coverage of the battery manufacturer market share. Here’s some interesting things we’ve seen. Chinese…
Each year, SunWiz publishes an Annual Battery Market report that is the most comprehensive and robust assessment of the Australian market for energy storage systems. But in this fast-moving market,…
Today we’re sharing some content from our new Commercial market feature in Luminate. It’s a closer look at some record-breaking commercial PV market segments. So while the residential PV remains…
How can there be record volumes when everyone’s feeling so much pain? We’re hearing solar retailers are in a world of pain. But the market is setting records. What can…
SunWiz is the leading source of information about Australian market share of each ESS/battery brand. This year the SunWiz 2024 Annual Battery Market Report revealed for the first time, the…
After years of progressive increase in residential market uptake of Energy Storage Systems (ESS), some market players have suggested we have exhausted the early adopters and are into the next…
ESS system sizes have not steadily increased in the same way PV system sizes did. The often-presented chart of PV sizes shows a steady march of 1.5kW making way for…
For more than a decade, Australia has led the world in uptake of residential PV. The industry-reshaping impacts of that world-leadership are now emerging as a daily experience. 22% of…
It was a record breaking year across the board for Energy Storage Systems in Australia. There were a record-breaking 57,000 residential installations in 2023, tallying a record-setting 656 MWh of…
Record-breaking year for battery installations across Australia in 2023 A record number of batteries were installed across Australia in 2023, in homes, businesses and at grid-scale, according to a…
So much of solar SME’s success relates to prices. Charge too much and you’ll scare off customers. Charge too little and you’ll not cover your overheads. To maximise your…
Hi there, Small solar retailers need to understand what large retailers already know: Hindsight is the poor cousin of foresight. Especially for the solar industry. Hindsight vs Foresight You…
In January 2023, SunWiz predicted 2023 would be the worst year for energization of new solar farms since their rollout began in earnest. Unfortunately, we were proved correct. 1.1GW of…
If 14 years of solar industry analysis has taught me one thing, it is the impossibility of predicting future solar power deployment volumes. The monthly ups and downs of the…
For the Australian PV industry, 2023 was a year that was better by most accounts than 2022, unless you were in solar farm construction. But that growth didn’t apply evenly…
The 2024 Annual SunWiz Australian PV Report has been released. Here’s what it has to say about the market for commercial solar energy: The STC commercial market grew by 25%…
Accurately reporting on the Australian PV market isn’t an easy task. Courtesy of the REC Registry, SunWiz provides accurate and timely reports on the STC market in the first week…
The monthly ups and downs of the Australian solar industry have rightly been described as a “solar coaster”. But there’s one figure that’s risen again and again, without falling since…
Near record year for residential solar power installations Rooftop solar power systems were installed 11% faster in Australia in 2023 than in 2022, and fell just short of record levels,…
The 2024 Annual SunWiz Australian PV Report has been released. Here’s what it has to say: 4.6 GW of PV capacity in total was installed in 2023, which lifted total…
What does it take to be a Top Volume Retailer? The 2024 Annual SunWiz Australian PV Market Report provides the volumes and trends of the Top 50 STC retailers nationally…
The Interval Meter Data tool from SunWiz attempts to convert most frequently occurring types of standard meter data file types in specific formats for the purpose of being used on the OpenSolar platform. Unless mentioned otherwise, SunWiz does not extend any guarantee of any kind, either expressed or implied, on the limited success of the Interval Meter Data Tool and the extent of it’s automation. Depending on the user’s upload, the program may require additional inputs, the training for which is not included in the purchase of this service and can be purchased separately.
The user’s success is inherently dependent on the quality of their input uploaded to the Meter Data Tool. Therefore, the success of the tool depends on the user’s input, and it is the user’s onus to ensure that the data is accurate, complete and follows the input requirements.
The Interval Meter Data Tool accepts data in the 15-minute, 30-minute and 60-minute(hourly) intervals. In case the file is uploaded in an excel format (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm), only the first sheet of the file will be considered. Our tool is required to accept raw meter data, usually highlighted as ‘E’ data in its standard format; and therefore SunWiz does not guarantee that all data formats will be accepted.
For complete automation, the file must adhere to an acceptable standard format. In the case of an issue, the user will be provided with instructions by the tool on how it can be resolved. Warnings will be issued if the data is incompatible, incomplete with missing records and if multiple datasets are uploaded at once.