SunWiz is the leading source of information about Australian market share of each ESS/battery brand. This year the SunWiz 2024 Annual Battery Market Report revealed for the first time, the number one battery brand by number of installations was different to the #1 brand by residential capacity (kWh) deployed. This is on account of the closely-fought race for the Top 3 ranks of market share by #systems (see below), and the material difference in average battery size of the top 3 brands.
Never before has the top 3 manufacturers of ESS systems been so closely contended. Amongst the leading manufacturers, there is a brand that positions itself on its brand name, another that positions itself as a price-leader, and a third brand that occupies the ‘value’ proposition.
The ranks of the top manufacturers are revealed in the 2024 SunWiz Annual Battery Market Report. See to download a sample.