Australian Solar Hot Spots - Interactive Maps and Dashboard

Targeted PV Marketing: Take Aim with Interactive Solar Hot Spots

  • Survive in Solar by selling into suburbs with continued high demand
  • Improve your Profits by targeting your marketing dollar to more qualified postcodes
  • Target your Marketingto specific demographics – age, education, occupation and other metrics
  • NEW: Find Commercial PV Hot Spots

Australian Interactive Solar Hot Spots uses interactive dashboards to identify favourable locations for solar installations through an intuitive graphic user interface. When you order, receive Insider Hot Tips on getting the most out of this tool. 

Watch Demonstration Video.

Free Interactive Market Data on the Australian PV Industry and Free Charts on Total Australian Installations, Capacity, and Average Size by State

Have you ever wondered…

    • Which suburbs are installing more solar systems?
    • Which suburbs experienced less downturn in recent months?
    • Which suburbs have plenty of appetite left for solar?
    • Which suburbs are installing larger systems?

You can find answers to these questions and much more using SunWiz’s Australian Interactive Solar Hot Spots.This highly affordable market intelligence tool will transform your attitudes – and marketing approach – to your Solar business.

Only $825 for 1- year subscription (quarterly), allowing you to track the evolution of the hot spots in your regions of interest.


Or contact us for further information

Targeted marketing made easy

The dynamic nature of the solar industry requires a more intelligent, predictable approach to identify and engage your target markets. To leverage your investment in marketing spend, you need detailed, insightful data tailored specifically for the solar industry.

Interactive Solar Hot Spots allows you to easily identify suburbs with less penetration and more potential for larger sized systems.

Identify business opportunities where solar subsidies have ended or areas are saturated with competitive products. Your marketing strategy will be more effective with greater profitability using this cutting-edge, visual tool for planning, execution and management of sales.

Product contents includes 12 month subscription

Now you can determine with accuracy the best targets for your products and services. Are they established home owners, newly married couples, eco-sensitive parents, cost-saving managers, small manufacturers or stock farmers?

This Report provides key information on market demographics most likely to purchase solar, how this changes over the months – influenced by economic, political, environmental and social conditions – and which market segments are most likely to invest in larger systems.

Only $825 for a Year’s Subscription (minimum 4x quarterly releases).

{aridoc engine=”google” width=”800″ height=”400″}images/marketing/Solar Hot Spots – Targeted PV Marketing – SunWiz.pdf{/aridoc}



The Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (ORER) has recently released postcode-level data on Australian solar power (PV) installations. SunWiz has produced an interactive solar power Postcode Analysis diagram from this data, shown below. Also indicated are national and state-based aggregates on systems installed, capacity and average system size.

You can select a region to produce a close-up of postcodes contained and their associated metrics. You can also zoom into a region and move around by click-dragging your mouse. Click on the main map to deselect the region. 

Note that data provided by ORER excludes systems pending registration. As a result, information from recent months (especially previous 3 months) is incomplete, overstating the industry downturn. If you wish to obtain more detailed insights into individual installations – by company, state, or most popular system sizes, subscribe to  PV Market Insights

If this map is too small for you, click here to open the map in a bigger window.

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{/source} Annual Australian PV Installations Annual Installations by State Monthly PV Installations by Australian State